Do you know about the new main characters that appear in the Star Wars VII The Force Awakens? If you don't, lets take a look at some of these new main characters.
Let's start with Finn ... Finn is one of the leading characters in this latest star wars movie. He was actually an ex-Stormtrooper for the First Order having the code name FN-2187, serving under Captain Phasma. He was later known as Finn as Poe Dameron decided to call him Finn instead of his rather strange robotic cold name. From Finn's very first battle mission sent by the First Order, he witnessed and was devastated to see the brutal cruelty he and his fellow stormtrooper had to execute to accomplish the mission. His conscience was pricked and he escaped as a runaway Stormtrooper.
Next ... Rey is also another leading character who is tough, headstrong and lonely female scavenger scraping and scavenging ships' parts for a living in a desert planet of Jakku. She later met Finn and become very good buddies helping BB-8 in its attempt to search for Luke Skywalker.
BB-8 is a spherical astromech droid who is a loyal companion of Poe Dameron. BB-8 is assigned a very important mission that he needs to accomplish when his beloved master Poe Dameron was being captured. He holds a very critical piece of map that will complete the entire map that leads to the location of Luke Skywalker whereabout.
Poe Dameron is not only the beloved master of BB-8, he is also a very talented Resistance X-Wing fighter pilot. He serves as a commander for the New Republic and Resistance. He flew his T-70 X-Wing Fighter Black One under the callsign of Black Leader while commanding both Red and Blue Squadrons in the company of his loyal astromech droid, BB-8.
General Hux ... is a young arrogant ruthless military general in the First Order who has his absolute belief in his own ways of training of troop methods and weapons. There is a certain rivalry between him and Kylo Ren who are both vying and hungry for power.
Kylo Ren is a villainous dark warrior character who has a really hot temper as fiery red as his own unique bright red lightsaber with 2 protuding red light blades. For those who didn't know ... Kylo Ren is actually the son of Han Solo ... the father actually died in his own son's hand. His son's bright red lightsabre was jabbed into his father causing the demise of Han Solo who fell off the bridge where he stood with Kylo Ren.
And the list goes on ...
Check out this video on Star Wars : The Force Awakens - Who Are The New Characters and also the Star Wars 7 Character Name Origins Explained?
I have just watched Star Wars VII : The Force Awakens movie and there are several new characters and one really stood out is BB-8, the Astromech Droid. Oh gosh, he is such a cutie! Did you guys see the ways he speeds frantically its way out when he is in danger and how he reacts when he thought his beloved Master Poe Dameron (the Resistance Pilot) was dead?
BB-8 appears in its mostly white-orange round body and darkish red circular eye piece on its head. He is such a loyal and endearing character besides Yoda that I always love. Even though he is an astromech droid but he is capable of displaying lots of humanly emotions that we can identify in the movie.
To me, BB-8 is like a little playful younger brother of R2-D2 and in the movie, he was seen anticipating to see R2-D2 awaken from his long deep slumber (inactivity probably due to depression). He tried to cajole R2-D2 in bid to say hello to him but R2-D2 isn't responsive until later when he "awakens" from his deep slumber that we saw the 2 droids giving each other a jovial some kind of high-5 gesture when the news about the Resistance defeats the First Order Star Killer Base was announced!
For those who are like me who start to love BB-8, will be glad to know we can actually have little BB-8 running in our houses! It also makes a great gift for star wars fan who loves BB-8! Introducing this BB-8 Astromech Droid from Sphero, it is a spherical robot that looks like the one we saw in the Star Wars VII The Force Awakens movie. This Sphero BB-8 is app-operated and it can be guided with a IOS or Android smartphone/tablet. You can record and view virtual holographic videos with it. Being very sophisticated, it can also listen and respond to you as it recognizes your voice. But with some bonding with the BB-8, your BB-8's personality, attitude, action and autonomous behavior will evolve as time goes by. Despite that, it has a mind of its own too. So what can you do with the BB-8, you can play with him, you can set him to patrol your house and so forth. You can direct him around your house to entertain your family, friends or pets. Finally we can be the next Poe Dameron having our very own loyal BB-8 companion just like in the Star Wars movie!
Being a fan of Yoda, I heart this cute wise yoda candy holder gift for fans who love star wars! What's more, don't you love the idea that Yoda can transmit his "Blessings of Yodaian Ki (Energies)" into your stuffs ;p!
This affordable american-made candy holder is quite big and stands at about 19.6 inches in height. It comes with a decent sized plastic bowl that is removable to allow you to take away to clean or to fill up more stuffs. It can stand on its own without the need for any backing, it can also stand against a wall, if one desires. In fact it has a nice weight that won't topple (but of course please do not load him with too much or heavier stuff). This cute yoda has awesome detail that really look like the one we saw in the movie.
With Christmas just round the corner, it really makes a Great Star War Gift for any Yoda Fan. It can also serve as a decorative pieces for a Star Wars-themed Christmas or Halloween or Birthday party.
Not only that, it can also be used as a Functional Home or Office decorative holder which you can put business cards, keys, coins, pencils, pens, erasers, potpourri of nice-smelling dried petals and spices, fruits like small apples or oranges or grapes, sweet candies, lollipops, mini chocolate bars, mints, biscuits, eggs, etc. The list goes on and on.
Though there are other candy holders that resemble Darth Vader, Boba Fett, Stormtrooper and even Ewok. But seriously speaking, Yoda is still the best and it is the cutest of all!
Hey, I have just found this very interesting Star Wars Personality Type Test. It is a great personality test which the way you perceive the world and how you make decisions, actually reflect the kind of Star Wars Personalities that behave the same as you.
I have done the testand it is fun to know who I "align" with. Can you guess who I align with? Well ... I am going to show you now :).Ahem ... My personality aligns withwhat is called "The Inventor: ENTP (R2-D2)" and I resonate with R2-D2 most.
Oh well ... from the definition of "The Inventor: ENTP (R2-D2)" I can relate to it cause indeed I am quite a curious person and yes I usually try all kinds of methods to find solution to life's problem than sitting and wallowing in despair and not do anything about it.
Heard of Star Wars? I bet you do! If not, I am sure you must have heard from your family, your friends, your colleagues or from the media about the incoming Star Wars VII : The Force Awakens? Sound familiar? What about Luke Skywalker? Han Solo? Darth Vader? Yoda? Do their names ring a bell to you? Oh well, if you still do not know of Star Wars or at least heard about the Star Wars characters, there is nothing I can make you know about it ;p. But ... if you are here in my blog, chances are high that you know something about Star Wars :). Nevertheless I would like to say : Welcome to Galactic Star Realm! Here in this blog I will share about my fascination with Star Wars and everything and anything pertaining to Star Wars in general. Oh yes, did I mention about the incoming Star Wars VII : The Force Awakens? I am really looking forward to watching this highly-anticipated galactic movie when it premieres in theaters soon!
Before that, lets enjoy the Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens All Trailer & Clips (2015).
Please sit back, relax and enjoy the trailer movie :)!
Star Wars Episode & Its Release Dates Star Wars Episode 4 (A New Hope) : May 25, 1977 Star Wars Episode 5 (The Empire Strikes Back) : May 21, 1980 Star Wars Episode 6 (Return of the Jedi) : May 25, 1983 Star Wars Episode 1 (The Phantom Menace) : May 19, 1999 Star Wars Episode 2 (Attack of the Clones) : May 16, 2002 Star Wars Episode 3 (Revenge of the Sith) : May 19, 2005 Star Wars Episode 7 (The Force Awakens) : Dec 18, 2015