Friday, December 18, 2015

What Is Your Star Wars Personality Type?

Hey, I have just found this very interesting Star Wars Personality Type Test. It is a great personality test which the way you perceive the world and how you make decisions, actually reflect the kind of Star Wars Personalities that behave the same as you.

It is a 20-questions test and it doesn't take a long time, so try it!

Without further delay, go to :

I have done the test and it is fun to know who I "align" with. Can you guess who I align with? Well ... I am going to show you now :). Ahem ... My personality aligns with what is called "The Inventor: ENTP (R2-D2)" and I resonate with R2-D2 most. 

Oh well ... from the definition of "The Inventor: ENTP (R2-D2)" I can relate to it cause indeed I am quite a curious person and yes I usually try all kinds of methods to find solution to life's problem than sitting and wallowing in despair and not do anything about it.

So have you tried and what is yours?